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23 Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, no. 23 / 2010


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  • Kotowicz, Janusz; Janusz-Szymańska, Katarzyna (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    In this paper the influence of carbon dioxide capture installation (CCS installation) on the efficiency of a coal power plant is presented. The power demand for the membrane separation and the efficiency losses of the power plant (14.04 percentage points) after implementation of the CCS installation is shown. A method for reducing these losses through integration of the CCS installation with the power plant is proposed. The main aims of the integration are heat exchange between media and decrease of the CO2 temperature before compression. Implementing of this process can result in a significant reduction of the efficiency loss by around 7 percentage points. The influence of the integration on the unit sale price of electricity as well as on the cost of CO2 avoided emission was also determined. The influence of the fuel cost , investment cost of the CCS installation on the limit sale price of electricity and CO2 avoided emission cost was analyzed in details
  • Klyus, Oleh; Makarenko, S.P; Vasiljev, I.P. (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    W artykule przedstawione są różnice w składzie kwasowo-tłuszczowym olejów roślinnych i zwierzęcych. Badania eksperymentalne wykazały wpływ tego składu na parametry pracy silnika. Zapropnowano zastoso-wanie wskaźnika nienasycenia dla całkowej charakterystyki składu paliw roślinnych. Wykazano, że biodiesel o wysokim indeksie nienasycenia (większym udziale kwasów nienasyconych) charakteryzuje się lepszymi parametrami ekonomiczności. Wnioskuje się o możliwości otrzymywania paliw pochodzenia roślinnego z zadanymi właściwościami przy wyborze roślin z odpowiednim składem kwasowo-tłuszczowym po wpro-wadzeniu selekcji lub zmian genetycznych
  • Kazimierska-Grębosz, Marianna (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    Ľarticle présente le problème des niveaux élevés de bruit aux postes de travail des opérateurs de machines de terrassement et le problème du bruit émis par ces machines dans le milieu environnant. Les informations de base sur les risques concernat le bruit et les méthodes de lutte contre le bruit sont présentées. Les mesures de niveau sonore équivalent ont été effectuées à la position des opérateurs de machines comme p.ex. les excavateurs, marteaux pneumatiques, scies et les autres machines qui sont utilisées à ľextérieur. Les résultats des mesures sont comparées avec les règlements et les normes qui déterminent les niveaux de bruit acceptés. Les méthodes de la réduction de ľimpact négatif du bruit sur les opérateurs de ces machines et leur environnement sont aussi présentées
  • Hąbek, Patrycja (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    The article presents problems of end-of-life vessels and actions undertaken at the European Union level, concerning dismantling of the ships. The introduction outlines the problem, then appears a review of regulations in the scope of ship dismantling, in particular European Community law on waste. Next part of this article discusses two documents, which are relevant to the policy pursued in the EU aimed at improving ship dismantling conditions
  • Greta, Marianna; Kostrzewa-Zielińska, Teresa; Otto, Jacek (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    This paper concerns two agencies which directly or indirectly pursue the goals and perform the tasks set by the European Union in terms of protecting the marine environment. They are both part of the EU agency system established to decentralise measures, integrate various groups of interests, prepare development strategies and prevent bad practices. The Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA) harmonises legal regulations and the Common Fisheries Policy, which improves maritime safety. The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) fosters this safety by promoting the implementation of ship safety standards, investigating shipping disasters, and preventing harmful waste discharges from ships including oil spills that would pollute inshore and sea waters, destroying marine flora and fauna
  • Greta, Marianna; Kostrzewa-Zielińska, Teresa; Otto, Jacek (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    The objective of the paper is to present ecological measures for marine environment protection financed by the EU within Euroregional structures. For this purpose the paper is divided into two parts. The first part concerns the Euroregions’ position and mission based on the origin of Euroregion Baltic and its special features. The second part concerns selected measures aimed to protect marine environment financed from the EU assistance funds. The primary conclusion is as follows: Euroregional structures were crucial as regards the acquisition of development funds while the EU’s involvement in ecological development and the specific features of Euroregions have led to the implementation of ecological measures. They have directly or indirectly contributed to marine environment protection
  • Greta, Marianna; Kostrzewa-Zielińska, Teresa; Otto, Jacek (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    The objective of the article is to identify support areas under the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) with a particular focus on ecological measures protecting the marine environment. The introduction provides general information about the EFF and EU measures for fisheries and maritime policy. The first part of the paper discusses the support areas of the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance established in 1992, with a focus on its ecological activity. The second part of the paper concerns the activity of the European Fisheries Fund within the financial strategy for the period 2007–2013 with reference to the priority axes implemented under the sectoral operational programme in Poland. Such an approach is quite logical, as these priorities and measures are compatible across EU member countries. The general conclusion from the analysis is as follows: structural orientation of measures and enhancement of support for a balanced water environment, protection of flora and fauna, reasonable exploitation of resources, and ecology as the top priority
  • Gębczyńska, Alicja; Szczęśniak, Bartosz (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    The notion of an internal customer is a relatively new one, and it finds is application in numerous fields of expertise including quality management, process management and external marketing. Internal customers create a chain of value at the end of which there are the product final recipients – the consumers. Therefore, the knowledge of the final product depends on the level of service provided to the internal customer. Failure to satisfy the employees’ requirements may lead to reducing the company’s performance and the quality of the product delivered to the external customer. The need to investigate the internal customers’ requirements results from the necessity of assessing the relations between the internal customers and suppliers as well as solving the conflicts and discrepancies which may occur between them. In order to identify the internal customers and their requirements, one can apply the process-based approach where process management proves to be of use. Using the results of the research into the internal customers’ requirements in the process management is expected to contribute to more efficient company management
  • Dzierżek, Kazimierz; Molenda, Michał (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    The following article presents algorithms of traffic lights control on intersection. A model allowing programming and testing of traffic lights according to established control algorithm was also presented. A visualization of program performance allowing preview of current states of program and remote exaction of entrance in order to check the correctness and stability of algorithm was create
  • Drzewieniecka, Beata (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    The problem of environment protection against selected properties of soybean seed cake in transport processes and the terminology of the dangerous cargo mentioned in various codes and regulations has been presented. Loose soybean seed cake, apart from larger particles, also includes fine and powdery fractions creating danger of explosion. An analysis has been made of selected industrial and transport elevators aimed at determining the degree of protection of the atmosphere inside those storehouses
  • Drzewieniecka, Beata (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    The increasing needs for carrying bulk cargoes between continents by means of marine transport have increased interest in the subject of safe carriage of these cargoes by sea. Soybean seed cake is one of many bulk cargoes, currently the best substitute of animal protein in the composition of fodder. As loose bulk cargo, soybean seed cake is carried by various specialist means of land and water transport. During transport by sea this cargo tends to pour athwart on board, in effect causing to shift the ship’s gravity centre and then a list favouring further pouring of the cargo, capable of causing the vessel to capsize. There has been presented the effect of selected transport and technological quality factors, namely static angle of repose, kinetic angle of repose and the size and shape of particles on the transport safety of soybean seed cake by sea. Research results have been depicted on graphs and described statistically
  • Biały, Witold (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    The aim of this publication is presenting the rules of new, global approach towards EU market. There were presented the regulations of directives related to various sectors, emphasizing the obligations of manufacturers operating on the European market. There were explained the basic rules which must be obeyed by the manufacturers in order to introduce their products in the EU member states. The technical requirements of the products and the scope of responsibility were indicated. Also the obligations related to CE marking were presented. There were also mentioned the aspects related to technical documentation, risk assessment, participation of notified bodies and declaration of conformity. There were also presented the basic actions (steps) which must be undertaken by the manufacturer in order to introduce the product to the EU market
  • Białecka, Barbara (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    The growing ecological awareness of the society, implementation of European Union’s law and development of the market economy caused in the last years an increase in the interest in wastes that could constitute energy raw materials in the form of alternative fuels. This growth, however, is limited by factors, of which the main comprise disposal of a considerable waste quantity at waste dumping sites and a low level of waste recycling. Currently the production and utilisation of alternative fuels both in Poland and Silesia are insignificant. In 2006 in Silesia only about 20 thousand tons of alternative fuels, prepared from combustible wastes, were utilised. The possibility of gaining and application of an alternative fuel should be closely connected with waste management realised in the given area, and the producers of alternative fuels and the local heat-generating plants should be units cooperating with the remaining elements of the waste management system (dumping sites, segregation stations, fuel producers, distributors and deliverers). The increase in the utilisation of wastes as alternative fuels should be also one of the main objectives of the electrical power engineering industry. For a proper waste management in Silesia essential is to establish a system of logistic-technological solutions for the optimum production and utilisation of alternative fuels. In the paper essential aspects determining the construction of a complex system of production and utilisation of alternative fuels were presente
  • Adamkiewicz, Andrzej; Zeńczak, Wojciech (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2010)
    In model investigation of ship’s fluidised bed boiler the similarity theory has been applied, which permits to transfer the investigation results from the model to the real object. For setting the non- dimensional numbers in similar phenomena, the analysis of differential equations describing the examined phenomenon or the dimensional analysis is applied. The article presents an example of the search for the non-dimensional numbers characterising the phenomenon of heat exchange in ship’s fluidised bed boiler

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