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Author Prill, Katarzyna
Affiliation Maritime University of Szczecin, Education and Certification Department Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, Dział Nauczania i Certyfikacji 70-500 Szczecin, ul. Wały Chrobrego 1–2
E-mail k.prill@am.szczecin.pl
ISSN printed 1733-8670
URI https://repository.am.szczecin.pl/handle/123456789/294
Abstract The article briefly describes one of the modules of a Liquid Cargo handling Simulator operated by the Maritime University of Szczecin, designed to simulate the handling of liquid. It addresses shipping security issues in the context of ISPS Code requirements for port facilities and presents the applicability of simulation methods in the security plan development and verification
Pages 52–58
Publisher Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Keywords safety
Keywords threat
Keywords port facility
Keywords security
Keywords assessment
Title Application of the Liquid Cargo Handling and LNG Terminal Simulator made by Transas in the design and verification of documentation required by the ISPS Code
Type Review article
  1. Załącznik do SIWZ dla projektu budowy „Centrum Symu-lacyjnego Terminalu LNG i Symulatora Ładunkowego do Przewozu Ładunków Ciekłych w Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie”, Materiały wewnętrzne AM w Szczecinie, Szczecin 2010.
  2. International Port Facility and Ship Security Code, ISPS Code, IMO 2003.
  3. Materiały promocyjne Transas “Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator LCHS 5000: Product Tanker” Transas Marine Limited 2010.
ISSN on-line 2392-0378
Language English
Funding No data
Figures 5
Tables 0
Published 2011-03-10
Accepted 2011-02-13
Recieved 2011-01-17

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