Marinas are of key importance in the development of sustainable marine tourism, whereas requirements posed
by certification organizations can have a motivating effect and contribute to the implementation of environmentally and socially friendly solutions. The aim of this study is to analyze two world-leading marina categorization
systems: the Gold Anchor Scheme and the IMCI Blue Star Marina Certification System. A special focus is made
on the criteria relating to sustainable development, such as requirements concerning services, equipment, and
management, posed to marinas by the accreditation bodies. The following research question has been defined:
Do certification and categorization contribute to the development of sustainable sailing tourism? The results of
the conducted analyses show that part of the requirements set by the accreditation organizations running two
of the most popular marina categorization schemes worldwide relate to the achievement of sustainable development goals. The requirements motivate the management at marinas applying for a category to implement
solutions that are friendly to the environment and society, and contribute to the growth of local economies.
The research results indicate that the categorization of marinas is not only of some marketing value but is also
a useful tool in the development of sustainable marine tourism.