The effects of precipitation of varying intensity on the operation of a ship’s radar are considered. It is shown
that during the propagation of the electromagnetic wave emitted by the antenna of a ship’s radar, its energy is
absorbed by precipitation. To determine the power loss of an electromagnetic wave due to its absorption by
particles of precipitation, the effective absorption area, specific absorption coefficient, and specific effective
total scattering area are used. The effective areas of absorption and total scattering depend on the shape of the
precipitation particles, their size, state of aggregation, and the length of the electromagnetic wave emitted by
the antenna of the ship’s radar. The dependence of the effective absorption area on the particle size of precipitation is obtained at two wavelengths of 3 cm and 10 cm, on which the ship’s radars operate. A decrease in the
tracking range of an object tracked by a ship’s radar in the case of rain falling is established compared with
the tracking range of an object in clear weather. It is shown that a decrease in the tracking range of an object
occurs only with moderate, strong, and very heavy rain. The attenuation of electromagnetic energy in rain with
an intensity of 12.5 mm/h at a wavelength of 3 cm is obtained by calculation, which amounted to 24 dB with
a length of the falling rain zone of 50 km, as well as with rain with an intensity of 100 mm/h with the same
length of the precipitation zone.