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73 Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, no. 73 / 2023

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  • Kędziorski, Piotr; Kogut, Tomasz; Oberski, Tomasz (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    Radiometric correction is a process that is often neglected when developing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images. The aim of the work was to test the radiometric correction of images taken from a Parrot Sequoia+ camera mounted on UAV. Therefore, a script was written in Matlab environment to enable radiometric correction of the obtained images. The images were subjected to the correction process using the Matlab script and the commercial software Pix4D. The results were compared, and the study found a significant improvement in the radiometry in both cases. The computational process eliminated the influence of variable in-flight insolation caused by cloud cover. The software developed for the article was found to be as good as the commercial one.
  • Mocek, Piotr (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    The article presents the results of measurements of environmental noise caused by devices operating in the surface facilities of hard coal mines and by the technological processes related to the loading and transport of spoil and materials necessary for production. The research results are part of the program “Consequences of excessive noise in the mining environment of hard coal mines”, the overarching goal of which is to reduce the emission of industrial noise. A sampling method was used to determine the actual values of noise levels emitted to the external environment from mines and mining plants as well as to identify the acoustic power levels of devices and processes constituting the main sources of noise in mines. The results showed that mines and mining plants are often not fully aware of the scale of the environmental impact of the undesirable noise they emit. Therefore, the current periodic measurements of environmental noise should be replaced with permanent monitoring, which will be beneficial not only for the environment and residents of housing estates located near mines but also for the mining plants themselves.
  • Kaizer, Adam (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    The main purpose of dredging is to maintain the required depth of harbors and marine and inland waterways. Any investment work in port infrastructure should be planned in such a way as to minimize interference with the port operations and vessel traffic. The research aims to analyze work scenarios involving a proposed dredging fleet using a Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 navigational and maneuvering simulator connected to the Transas Navi-Sailor 4000 navigation information system. An analysis performed using these electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) simulators allows the operational parameters of the dredging project to be determined. These parameters include driving time, time taken to fill a TSHD dredger to full capacity, scale of maneuverability of the dredger within the port area, and determination of the safe distance between dredging vessels and other ships. The proposed solution may be supplemented with additional computer-based programs, providing a valuable tool in the research and monitoring of planned and current dredging projects.
  • Dębicka, Olga; Reszka, Leszek (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    A period of pandemics and distance learning has forced teachers to plunge headlong into the technological challenges of education. Today, it is possible to look back on this time as an educational milestone that, although forced, contributed to a much-needed leap into the digital age in higher education. Information and communication technologies (ICT) have contributed to a significant paradigm shift in learning and the roles of teachers and students in education today. ICT tools in the educational process have become indispensable, whether for on-site teaching, an exclusively online system, or a hybrid scheme. Therefore, this study aims to establish how modern technology has enabled a unity of resources in the education process and to identify how the pandemic conditions have affected the logistics process for didactics, particularly related to providing a unity of the right resources in the correct place. Moreover, the authors indicate the benefits of the described changes in the didactic process for teachers and students in the post-pandemic period.
  • Jeleniewicz, Katarzyna; Rutkowska, Gabriela; Żółtowski, Mariusz; Kula, Dorota (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    Caring for the environment, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, as well as the increase in the standard of living of society, introduces the need to conduct proper waste management. Construction is an industry with great potential for the management of glass waste as part of material recycling. The construction sector is characterized by high material consumption, with a limited amount of natural resources, meaning that research is constantly being performed on the possibility of replacing them with other common ingredients. A feature of the building materials industry is also the pursuit of continuous improvement of the properties of manufactured materials. The paper presents the research results on the impact of the partial replacement of Portland cement and aggregate with glass waste on strength parameters and frost resistance. For the purpose of experimental work, a concrete mix based on the C20/25 standard concrete with CEM I 42.5R Portland cement, in which from 0 to 20% of the cement or aggregate weight is replaced with glass waste (i.e., glass flour and glass cullet), is designed. In the test range, the glass flour slightly affected the deterioration of the compressive strength, while the glass cullet had no effect on the compressive strength after 56 days of maturation. Moreover, the addition of glass flour increases the bending strength, while the addition of glass cullet maintains a comparable bending strength compared to the reference concrete. The obtained concretes are frost-resistant concrete F150.
  • Falkowski-Gilski, Przemysław; Uhl, Tadeus (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly limited user mobility, not least among students. Remote learning had a particular impact on resource allocation in relation to using terrestrial cellular networks, especially 4G systems in urban agglomerations. This paper presents the results of a quality evaluation of an outdoor environment, carried out between 2019 and 2021 on the campus of a technical university. Annual studies are conducted using our own custom-built mobile application, installed on 50 mobile devices (i.e., smartphones) running Android OS. This study aims to determine the impact of reduced user mobility on access parameters in mobile networks, that is, both download and upload throughput as well as delay (ping), with a particular focus on serving base transceiver stations (BTSs). This research scenario involves long-term evolution (LTE) compatible user equipment (UE) that operates under four Polish mobile network operators (MNO), which includes roaming connections and the newly launched 5G standard.
  • Stopa, Michał (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    In recent years, a significant emphasis has been placed on the technological side of shipping. However, humans remain the operator of the vessel and the ones to make the final decision. With the increasing problem of fatigue, a properly designed bridge might offer great support for navigators. This includes the implementation of ergonomics in the workplace. This paper aims to better understand the needs of end-user operators and determine if there is still a need for improvement in bridge ergonomic design. To reach this goal, a custom-designed questionnaire survey of 200 professional navigators is performed. The Kano model is used to analyze the seamen’s wants and needs, but also expectations based on their satisfaction with proposed ergonomic solutions. The research results suggest that there is still room for improvement in this area, which is not only a matter of comfort or health but also safety.
  • Mielniczuk, Sylwia (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    This paper proposes a modified artificial potential fields (APF) method for collision avoidance at sea. The concept of artificial potentials used herein is derived from fields generated by electric charges. Attractive and repulsive forces are determined, accounting for the positions of an own vessel and a target vessel. The own vessel and its goal are considered as opposite charges. There is an attractive force between them, while the own vessel and target vessels or obstacles are considered as charges with a repulsive force between them. The values of these forces depend on the coefficients of attraction and repulsion. To solve a particular collision situation, the modified method of artificial potential fields is used. Due to the specific nature of the vessels’ movement, additional factors affecting the values of the attraction and repulsive forces are considered, as opposed to solutions used for robots. The main purpose of this article is to present the method for determining the coefficients of the APF method. This method will be used to avoid collisions at sea. From an analysis of factors influencing the execution of the vessel maneuver in a collision situation, a modified method for determining the attraction and repulsion coefficients is proposed. A case study of collision avoidance in a vessel encounter situation is also conducted.
  • Revenko, Vitaliy Yu. (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    The effects of precipitation of varying intensity on the operation of a ship’s radar are considered. It is shown that during the propagation of the electromagnetic wave emitted by the antenna of a ship’s radar, its energy is absorbed by precipitation. To determine the power loss of an electromagnetic wave due to its absorption by particles of precipitation, the effective absorption area, specific absorption coefficient, and specific effective total scattering area are used. The effective areas of absorption and total scattering depend on the shape of the precipitation particles, their size, state of aggregation, and the length of the electromagnetic wave emitted by the antenna of the ship’s radar. The dependence of the effective absorption area on the particle size of precipitation is obtained at two wavelengths of 3 cm and 10 cm, on which the ship’s radars operate. A decrease in the tracking range of an object tracked by a ship’s radar in the case of rain falling is established compared with the tracking range of an object in clear weather. It is shown that a decrease in the tracking range of an object occurs only with moderate, strong, and very heavy rain. The attenuation of electromagnetic energy in rain with an intensity of 12.5 mm/h at a wavelength of 3 cm is obtained by calculation, which amounted to 24 dB with a length of the falling rain zone of 50 km, as well as with rain with an intensity of 100 mm/h with the same length of the precipitation zone.

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