Statistical data on occupational diseases registered by the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź indicates
a renewed increase in the number of pneumoconiosis in Poland in recent years, especially in the section of PKD
(Polish Classification of Business Activities) – mining. Simultaneously, in 2018, because of the implementation
of Directives of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, changes were introduced to
Polish legislation in the field of protection of workers against the risk of exposure to carcinogens or mutagens
related to the respirable fraction of crystalline silica formed during work. Considering this information, the
members of the Department of Safety Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology attempted to assess
the dust hazard and the frequency of occurrence of respiratory diseases among the employees of the preparation
plant of mine X exposed to the harmful effects of industrial dust produced in the work process. The following
methods were used as part of the research: individual dosimetry, infrared spectrometry, directional interview,
diagnostic tests, and spirometry. The obtained results made it possible to identify workstations with the highest
exposure to the harmful effects of industrial dust and to recognize the impact of this action in the form of pathological
changes in the respiratory system in 18.4% of the miners surveyed.