Jasionowski, Robert
(Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie,
Dear Readers,
In the opening words of this edition 58(130) I would like to thank all the readers for their growing interest
in our journal. As editor-in-chief, I am pleased that there are new authors who want to publish their research
in the pages of our quarterly, which includes articles in three major thematic categories: Navigation & Maritime
Transport, Transportation Engineering, and Marine Technology & Innovation. The subject matter of the
published papers will likely be expanded in the future, especially considering that the Scientific Journals of
the Maritime University of Szczecin were submitted for evaluation by advisory teams appointed by the Ministry
of Science and Higher Education in three disciplines: civil engineering and transport; mechanical engineering;
environmental engineering, mining, and power engineering. Expanding the subject matter of the papers
published in the Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin will further improve the position of
our journal at the national and international levels.
I would like to announce to our readers that the quarterly Scientific Journals of the Maritime University
of Szczecin (in accordance with decision No. 583/P-DUN/2019 dated 21 May 2019) has obtained co-financing
for 2019–2020 from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland funds allocated for activities promoting
science, including translation and proofreading.
In this issue of Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, the results of fourteen research
papers are presented in four sections: Marine Technology and Innovation, Navigation and Maritime Transport,
Transport Engineering, and Miscellaneous.
The first section, Marine Engineering & Innovation, contains four articles, the first of which presents
a method to classify inland waterway ships based on images from a waterway monitoring system. The second
article describes an innovative solution for automatic positioning using a visual system. In the third article,
an experimental study on the hydrodynamic resistance of stepped planning hulls under different geometrical
and physical conditions is presented. In the fourth article, the accuracy of defining the energy efficiency of
drive systems is demonstrated by comparing hydrostatic drives using proportional engine speed control as
an example.
In the second section, Navigation and Maritime Transport, there are three articles. In the first article,
a methods which accurately map the shoreline in Inland Navigational Charts using photogrammetric and
sonar images is presented. The next article is devoted to analytical method to determine VHF marine communication
bands. The last article in this section contains a research article describing the impact of temperature
on the duration of the navigation season on the Oder border from 2004 to 2018.
The third section, Transport Engineering, contains six articles. The authors of these articles describe the
importance of inland waterway transportation in maritime and land transport systems and present the
6 Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin 58 (130)
current state and trends in the progressive development of inland waterway transport (infrastructure, means
of transport, and impact of social media).
Section four, Miscellaneous, contains one article which is dedicated to the overall average in Polish maritime
Readers are invited to visit our web page http://scientific-journals.eu/, where they may find information
about the article publication process, as well as full texts of articles from the current issue 58(130) and works
published in previous issues of Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin.