In Japan, it is becoming difficult to move freight long distances using only trucks, owing to a shortage in
truck drivers. In this context, there is a tendency to also actively utilize ferries or roll-on/roll-off (RORO)
ships. Intermodal freight transport uses two or more suitable modes of transport from the origin of goods to
the destination. In order to promote intermodal freight transport, it is necessary to analyze factors such as the
characteristics of transported goods, transportation services and fares, and lot sizes. In this study, we focused on
ferries and RORO ships in Japan, and attempted to identify cargoes transported using different modes of transport,
based on the net freight flow census. In conclusion, high volumes of “agricultural and fishery products,”
“metal machinery,” “chemical industrial,” “light industrial,” and “miscellaneous manufacturing products” can
be transported using ferries or RORO ships. Specifically, there is a tendency that products are segregated by
transportation mode such as a truck, or a ferry and a RORO ship.