For satellite based navigation within maritime applications, the IMO defines requirements for further GNSS systems (IMO, 2002). In order to meet e.g. the demands for automatic docking (absolute accuracy: 0.1 m horizontal, integrity: 0.25 m Alert Limit, 10 s Time to Alarm, 10E–5 Integrity Risk (per 3 h), accurate code and phase measurements are essential. As these measurements are distorted by effects of various error sources, efficient error detection and correction are of main interest. This paper presents the idea of describing the influence of error sources in both, time and frequency domain to derive a competent basis for evaluating the signal‟s quality and detecting outliers. This offers a fundament for signal classification (usable, unusable), prediction of signal states and error correction and thus the compliance with the given requirements. First a description of the used analysis method, the Hilbert Huang Transform is given. By means of data recorded at Tromsoe/Norway and Rostock/Germany, first results are discusse