Ship is a sample of object where there are special demands with reference to man‟s protection. It is connected with spatial relations between technical solutions used on the vessels (where using of modern electronically aided tools result in production of ships which are quicker, safer, useful for transportation of different types of cargo for longer distances) and level of human immunity and possibilities of adopting to factors influencing that environment. Recently more attention was paid to the fact that vessels are not just means of conveyance but also a place of work and rest. Human body with its properties became a benchmark to which there were subordinated functional-spatial solutions. To fulfil the task there were taken into consideration: domination of design branch, high level of automatization, trends for decreasing of working costs, threats of pirates and terrorists strikes and work safety and fire regulations. The aim for that is to assure safety for crew, passengers, freight and environment in aspect of completing conditions given by regulations of marine organisations and administration