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Author Bzura, Piotr
Affiliation Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa, Katedra Siłowni Okrętowych 90-952 Gdańsk, ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12
E-mail pbzura@pg.gda.pl
ISSN printed 1733-8670
URI https://repository.am.szczecin.pl/handle/123456789/143
Abstract Based on measurement results, an interpretation is presented of the tribological system boundary layer action in the form of a four-ball tester friction node. The evaluation was performed of the boundary layer action understood as transfer of energy Ep resulting from loading the tribological system in a determined time t with work lp, which may lead to breaking the boundary layer. That energy and time are the values unequivocally characterising the boundary layer action. This form of presenting the boundary layer action has also an advantage of offering a possibility of investigating it by carrying out precise measurements and expressing the results in a numerical form. Therefore, the proposed method of evaluating the boundary layer action deterioration process is the acoustic emission measurements
Pages 20-24
Publisher Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Keywords działanie,
Keywords warstwa graniczna
Keywords węzeł tarcia
Title Analysis and evaluation of oil lubricity from the viewpoint of energy apects and of the tribological system action
Type Original scientific article
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  2. GIRTLER J.: Metoda oceny smarności olejów i paliw w ujęciu enertgetycznym. XXIV Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Siłowni Okrętowych 2003, Szczecin 2003, 131-141.
  3. Szczerek M., Muszyński W.: Badanie triboloficzne. Zacieranie. Biblioteka Problemów Eksploatacyjnych, Radom 2000.
ISSN on-line 2392-0378
Language English
Funding No data
Figures 0
Tables 0
Published 2009-06-10
Accepted 2009-05-14
Recieved 2009-04-14

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