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Author Więckiewicz, Wojciech
Affiliation Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Katedra Eksploatacji Statku 81-345 Gdynia, al. Jana Pawła II 3, tel. 058 690 11 49
E-mail wiecwoj@op.pl
ISSN printed 1733-8670
URI https://repository.am.szczecin.pl/handle/123456789/125
Abstract The paper presents the experimental test performance of the jet thruster with outlet nozzle mounted in the ship bottom. The inclination between jet and bottom plate was 30 degrees and the jet was lateral to ship board. The decrease of thrust of the propeller due to the hull effect has been measured for three different hull breadths and for five bilge radiues
Pages 48‐52
Publisher Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Keywords jet thrusters
Title Hull impact on the performance of the thruster with bottom-mounted outlet nozzle
Type Original scientific article
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ISSN on-line 2392-0378
Language English
Funding No data
Figures 8
Tables 0
Published 2008-06-10
Accepted 2008-05-06
Recieved 2008-04-11

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