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Author Wielgosz, Mirosław
Affiliation Maritime University of Szczecin, Faculty of Navigation, Institute of Navigation 1–2 Wały Chrobrego St., 70-500 Szczecin, Poland
E-mail m.wielgosz@am.szczecin.pl
ISSN printed 1733-8670
URI https://repository.am.szczecin.pl/handle/123456789/1218
Abstract This paper presents the research results on declarative ship domains in restricted areas. The research was conducted for vessels of different sizes and speed relations. In order to determine the declarative ship domain, data were collected in the form of questionnaires. The influence of ship length and speed on the size and shape of its domain were analyzed. The detailed processes of data development and further approximation are shown. Declarative domains for ships of different sizes and speed relations are compared. As a result of the research, a mathematical model of a declarative ship domain showing the elliptical shape of the domain is presented. The intermediate and summary research results are presented and conclusions drawn.
Pages 217-222
Publisher Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie
Keywords restricted area
Keywords safety
Keywords ship domain
Keywords questionnaire research
Keywords declarative research
Keywords safety zone
Title Declarative ship domains in restricted areas
Type Original scientific article
  1. Goldberg, D. (2009) Algorytmy genetyczne i ich zastosowania. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Naukowo Techniczne.
  2. Goodwin, E.M. (1975) A Statistical Study of Ship Domain. Journal of Navigation 28. Cambridge.
  3. Pietrzykowski, Z. & Uriasz, J. (2009) The Ship Domain – a Criterion of Navigational Safety Assessment in an Open Sea Area. Journal of Navigation 62. Cambridge.
  4. Pietrzykowski, Z. & Wielgosz, M. (2011) Navigation Safety Assessment in the Restricted Area with the Use of ECDIS System. 9th International Navigational Symposium on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation TRANS-NAV. Gdynia.
  5. Pietrzykowski, Z. et al. (2011) The Navigational Decision Support System on a Sea – going Vessel. Szczecin: Akademia Morska.
  6. Wielgosz, M. & Pietrzykowski, Z. (2012) Ship Domain in the Restricted Area – Analysis of the Influence of Ship Speed on the Shape and Size of the Domain. Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin 30 (102). pp. 138–142.
ISSN on-line 2392-0378
Language English
Funding No data
Figures 7
Tables 4
DOI 10.17402/140
Published 2016-06-27
Accepted 2016-04-16
Recieved 2015-08-31

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