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Author Kornacki, Jakub
Affiliation Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, Instytut Inżynierii Ruchu Morskiego 70-500 Szczecin, ul. Wały Chrobrego 1–2, tel. 091 48 09 471
E-mail kubi@am.szczecin.pl
ISSN printed 1733-8670
URI https://repository.am.szczecin.pl/handle/123456789/118
Abstract The paper presents the problem of the wind influence on a ship during the turning manoeuvre and the influence on this manoeuvre. Attention has been paid to the necessity of attaching larger attention to the influence of the wind during the turning manoeuvre. The analysis of the wind influence on this manoeuvre has been conducte
Pages 40‐44
Publisher Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Keywords wind
Keywords ship manoeuvring
Keywords ship motion
Keywords ship hydrodynamics
Keywords ship aerodynamics
Title Analysis of the wind influence on the ship turning manoeuvers on port turning basins
Type Original scientific article
  1. KORNACKI J., GALOR W.: Analysis of ships turn manoeuvres in port water area. TransNav’07, Gdynia 2007.
  2. KORNACKI J.: The analysis of the methods of ship’s turning- basins designing. XII International Scientific and Technical Conference on Marin Traffic Engineering, Maritime University of Szczecin, 2007.
  3. GUCMA S., JAGNISZCZAK I.: Nawigacja dla kapitanów. Fundacja Promocji Przemysłu Okrętowego i Gospodarki Morskiej, Gdańsk 2006.
  4. MCCARTNEY B.: Ship Channel Design and Operation. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2005, 107.
  5. The unpublished report. Badania symulacyjne ruchu statków w bazie paliw płynnych w Świnoujściu. Maritime University of Szczecin, 1995.
  6. The unpublished report. Określenie optymalnego wariantu przebudowy wejścia do portu Kołobrzeg w oparciu o badania symulacyjnego ruchu statków. Maritime University of Szczecin, 1995.
  7. The unpublished report. Badanie możliwości optymalnej lokalizacji przeładowni kwasu fosforowego w Porcie Police. Maritime University of Szczecin, 1998.
  8. The unpublished report. Analiza nawigacyjna dla przebudowanego Nabrzeża Górników w porcie handlowym Świnoujście. Maritime University of Szczecin, 2000.
  9. ARTYSZUK J.: Wind Effect in Ship Manoeuvring Motion MM – a Review Analysis. International Scientific- Technical Conference Explo-Ship 2002, Maritime University of Szczecin, 2002.
  10. ARTYSZUK J.: Sensitivity of Ship Manoeuvring Trials upon Wind and Irregular Wave Action. Szczecin/Kopenhagen, Scientific Bulletin, Maritime University of Szczecin, 2004, 65.
  11. ARTYSZUK J.: Methodical guide of the ships manoeuvring simulation with application. Maritime University of Szczecin, 2005. Recommended literature
  12. BRIX J.: Manoeuvring Technical Manual. Seehafen Verlag, Hamburg 1993.
  13. GUZIEWICZ J., ŚLĄCZKA W.: The methods of assigning ship's manoeuvring area applied in simulation research. International Scientific and Technical Conference on Sea Traffic Engineering, Szczecin 1997.
ISSN on-line 2392-0378
Language English
Funding No data
Figures 7
Tables 1
Published 2008-03-10
Accepted 2008-02-05
Recieved 2008-01-08

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