Hatłas-Sowińska, Paulina; Wielgosz, Mirosław
(Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie,
This article explores the use of ontology for semi-automatic marine vessel navigation and ship-to-ship communication to mitigate collision risk. Semi-automatic vessel communication is a step towards automatic communication for autonomous ships. Examples of how such communication can be used is discussed, based on
a comprehensive analysis of selected marine collisions, with particular attention to the communication conducted on ships. The effectiveness of such communication was assessed and compared. The suggested solutions are
based on the review of official reports from accident investigations. The novelties of this work include original
ontologies and interfaces. Through this work, it could be possible to fully automate communication processes
between ships. In future work, the research results in this work will be used to create a system of automatic
communications for manned and autonomous vessels.