Kostecka, Ewelina
(Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie,
I am pleased to present the fourth 2020 issue (No. 64) of the Scientific Journals of the Maritime University
of Szczecin. This issue contains the research results and views of the authors of seven articles that are
compiled into three subject groups: Civil Engineering and Transport; Mechanical Engineering; and Economics,
Management and Quality Science.
The Civil Engineering and Transport section begins with an article that examines the relationship between
the occurrence of failures in selected types of buses and the time of their occurrence using the public transport
of Lublin as an example. The second article presents the current state of research on the technical, legal
and administrative problems that need to be solved in order for unmanned ships to be used widely by society.
There are four papers in the Mechanical Engineering section. The first paper presents a numerical study
of the hydrodynamic parameters of a modified hourglass-type FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading)
ship with different geometric parameters. The second paper evaluates the atmospheric composition
after degassing and ventilating a ship’s cargo tank after a washing process with reference to the entrance
and its visual inspection The author of the third article presented methods of joining (welding and sealing)
single-polymer composite materials in a hot air stream. The last study in this section determined the vibration-
activity parameters of a hermetic harmonic drive to evaluate a gearbox in terms of its manufacturing
quality and wear-related deterioration.
The third section, Economics, Management and Quality Science, contains one article. The article synthetically
presents the process of financing investments related to the construction and purchase of ships,
presenting, among other things, the concept of shipbuilding cycles and the relationship between the shipbuilding
industry and the shipping market.
The articles presented demonstrate the authors’ continuing practical inspiration and contribute to interesting
scientific inquiry. I am aware that the presented articles are only a modest expression of these ideas,
but believe that they will provide a basis for reflection, discussion, and broader research.