Malyshev, Nikolay V.; Koroviakovskii, Evgenii K.; Rostovceva, Svetlana A.
(Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie,
The article presents the analysis of options for a transshipment terminal system with consideration of Russian
transport system development. The aim is to determine the premises and possible problems, considering human
absence, in the technological process at an inland container terminal. Statistical methods are used to analyze the
market of robotic automation and the perspective for unmanned technology introduction. Simulation modeling
of inland container terminal operation with various types of equipment, to study the applicability of robotic automation. The choice of modeling equipment results from the impossibility of completing an experiment on the
real object, difficulties of analytical modeling (the system contains casual relations, nonlinear logic, stochastic
variables), and the necessity to analyze the system’s time behavior. Consideration of robotic automation in
a terminal warehouse complex is of particular importance due to technological progress followed by the freight
terminal to be an area with highly organized technological processes and the need for highly paid specialists.