Przeniosło, Łukasz; Peschke, Jörg; Hering, Jörg
(Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie,
The recent rapid improvement of nautical equipment functionality allows one to better observe and predict the
dangers related to seamanship. However, these new features come with added complexity, and large amounts
of information can overwhelm vessel crews and fleet operation centers, and the current state-of-the-art tools
cannot filter out only the most important data for a given time and location. This paper presents the concepts and
the algorithms of a software suite that provides a user with problem-oriented advice about a particular risk endangering
a vessel and its crew. Based on the calculated navigational dangers and their predicted development,
actionable guidance is proposed in an easy-to-understand human language. The quality of good seamanship is
improved by a holistic approach to vessel installation, automated fleet operation center priority queuing, and
the evaluation of crew performance during simulator training and daily operations. Both the software user interface,
as well as the insights provided by the algorithm, are discussed.