Chybowski, Leszek
(Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie,
The Miniature Dwarfs method is one of the tools used by the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) used
in the process of modelling and seeking solutions to conflicting situations. This article describes the origin of
the Miniature Dwarfs method. The process flow of the usage of the Miniature Dwarfs method was presented
both in its original version, suggested by Altshuller, as well as in its recently modified version. The usage of
the Miniature Dwarfs method was presented here to minimize the marine hull resistance of a passenger ship
in the conflicting situation, where there is a simultaneous necessity to provide both large ship capacity as well
as high speed. The issue and the conflicting situation were both presented and modelled. The Operational zone
and Operational time were described and modelled with the use of the Miniature Dwarfs method before and
during the Conflict, and the desired situation. The search of the potential solutions was carried out with the use
of miniature dwarfs; the findings were interpreted with respect to the system under analysis and the stated technical
issues. Imagined situations described in individual diagrams are included in the issue under investigation.
Selected solutions to the problem were presented. The advantages of the method were indicated and presented
as an addition to other methods used in the process of designing new engineering solutions.