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Akademia Morska w Szczecinie

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  • Łazuga, Kinga; Gucma, Lucjan; Gucma, Maciej (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    Świnoujście is a Polish seaport located on the Pomeranian Bay, on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea island of Usedom and Wolin. The port is situated in the Świna Strait in Świnoujście, Western Pomerania. The harbor consists of a cargo handling quay, passenger terminal and marina. The seaports of Świnoujście and Szczecin are closely linked economically to form a team and are connected by a passage through the Szczecin Lagoon. All big ships directed to Szczecin have to be routed through the port of Świnoujcie. The hydro-meteorological conditions in the Świnoujście Port area and surroundings, affecting safe maneuvering of ships, are analyzed by statistical methods. The conditions studied, with the aid of Port Captain logbook, are: currents, winds, water level, ice conditions and visibility. The statistical distribution of water level was analyzed and proposed as decision-making tool during a ship’s approach to Świnoujście Port.

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