Salous, Mazen; Müller, Heiko; Bolles, André; Hahn, Axel
(Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie,
The e-navigation strategy of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) aims to improve the safety of
maritime traffic by increasing cooperation between several maritime stakeholders. The COSINUS (Bolles et
al., 2014) project contributes to such a strategy by enabling an automated data exchange (observations, routes
and maneuver plans) between ship-side and shore-side navigational systems, developing useful sensor fusion
applications upon the new information available from data exchange and introducing new Human Machine
Interfaces (HMIs) to support the users of navigation systems.
The project shows potential for improvement in maritime traffic safety by ensuring continuous awareness to
all participants involved through sensor fusion applications, i.e. by providing all participants (mobile and
stationary navigation systems) with a complete view at all times. These applications include detection of
critical situations like radar shadowing areas, early and accurate prediction of potential collisions or closest
point of approach (CPA) based on the exchanged routes, and improving the accuracy of radars by ensuring
high quality data for obstructed or far away routes. The new HMI concepts introduced within the COSINUS
project aim at highlighting critical maritime traffic situations. Thus, the users of such navigation systems
supported with COSINUS facilities can easily detect such critical situations and react efficiently to avoid
collisions, possible crowded areas and inefficient routes.