Cepowska, Żaneta; Cepowski, Tomasz
(Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie,
The article presents the Seakeeping research software, developed for the computation of a ship’s motions in
regular and irregular waves on the basis of the following ship parameters: length between perpendiculars,
beam, draught, block coefficient and transverse initial metacentric height. The software implements
approximating functions of amplitude-phase characteristics of rolling, heaving, and pitching, developed by
the author by means of artificial neural networks. The software determines transfer functions for the
phenomena accompanying the rolling motion, such as slamming, green water, propeller surfacing, vertical
acceleration forward and on the bridge. The article discusses possible uses of the software in scientific
research, ship design and operation, and for educational purposes.