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  • Onderková, Ivana; Cholevová, Iveta (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2014)
    For disintegration process control we need a quantity that respects objectively rock-disintegrating tool interaction with the elimination of human factor. From this, basic requirements for the evaluation quantity given below follow: is available in advance or at the moment of disintegration; minimises the influence of human factor on the resultant effect; evaluates objectively the disintegration process. A measure of efficiency of any disintegration process is the consumption of energy usually related to the unit volume of disintegrated rock; on the basis of analysis done theoretical and practical researches orientated towards the disintegration processes and the verification of objectivity when used in situ (in drilling and tunnelling), at present it is minimised specific volume energy that is the most objective evaluation quantity. This quantity has a general validity for dispersion processes, and thus its use even for the evaluation of diggability on the digging wheel of excavator has a rational basis. In connection with the GIS application for controlling the extracted quantity, an optimal tool is offered for the maximum efficiency of excavation process.

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