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Browsing by Keyword upper air sounding:

  • Pietrek, Sławomir; Jasiński, Janusz (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2012)
    Safety of various human activities depends to a significant extent on weather conditions which are the result of physical processes in the lower layer of the atmosphere. In numerous cases, the wind field information is required in the form of vector field. Complete description of the wind field is not feasible using only the results of standard direct wind measurements even if they are made in a fairly dense measurement network. The paper presents remote sensing measurement systems which provide data for determining the horizontal and vertical components of the wind vector at variety of levels in real time. The remote sensing methods of wind measurements use the Doppler phenomenon, i.e. the relation between the meteorological object movement velocity and the difference in frequency of the original signal and the backscattered one. Results obtained using data from meteorological Doppler radars, including the E700XD mobile radars in Polish Air Bases and radiotheodolite sounding systems are presented. The processed results of measurements are presented in the form of the wind vector fields at selected levels, profiles of the vertical component of the wind vector in a defined layer of the atmosphere and vertical profiles of the wind speed changes
  • Pietrek, Sławomir A.; Jasiński, Janusz; Chaładyniak, Dariusz; Krawczyk, Karolina (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    The paper presents the results of study of convective cloud development over land and sea. The study was based on data from the Gdańsk-Rębiechowo radar and upper air sounding from the Łeba aerological station. Radar data from the classical channel were analyzed for the atmosphere scanned at 6 elevation angles of the antenna beam. Vertical profiles of the atmosphere along selected paths presenting radiolocation reflectivity in the detected cloud structures were produced using the recorded radiolocation reflectivity. Conclusions concerning the cloud structure, the physical state of water in the clouds and the thermodynamic state of the atmosphere were formulated as the results of comprehensive analysis of the radar and upper air sounding data. The obtained values of selected parameters and indices were used to quantitatively describe selected physical processes and to formulate forecasts concerning weather phenomena that might pose threats to land, air and sea transport as well as for some industrial and agricultural branches. The developed method of radar and aerological data processing will be applied to further studies of convective clouds in other regions. It will also enable to assess the impact of environmental conditions on the development of convective processes.

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