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  • Król-Směták, Dominika; Zając, Karolina (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2012)
    The main task of the paper is to present the current state of information society in West Pomeranian. Mainly were used researches conducted by the Central Statistical Office, analysis of literature and online resources according for such information as technology, information society and innovation. In addition, at each stage of labor is used logical analysis and comparison. The concept of an information society has emerged in the second half of the twentieth century, to describe a society that communicates using the rapid development of ICT. Through the mobiles and the Internet can be very fast communication, which becomes the greatest asset of any enterprise. Central Statistical Office conducts research on information society in Poland, but the work has focused on the West Pomeranian. As the research shows, the region continues to grow and enlarge their business IT support, which has the support of their activities on the local market

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