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  • Niewczas, Andrzej; Rymarz, Joanna (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2009)
    The purpose of this article is to estimate social awareness of personal safety danger of traffic participants and to estimate the sense of motor threats for the environment. It describes the results of public opinion poll over the individual troublesomeness and motor threats estimate on the young group of people on example of Lublin Province area and comparatively, of Riga City
  • Arefyev, Igor; Arefyev, Igor (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2012)
    A method for assessing the impact of low water in the fairway on the movement of ships in the rivers and canals is shown in the work. The growth speed of the ship breaks down the river (channel), the territory of the area. It is important that when the motion is regular. This paper is an analysis of this problem.
  • Hącia, Ewa (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2014)
    The main aim of the article is to present the importance of tourism in Polish regions within the Central European Transport Corridor CETC ROUTE 65. Four of Polish voivodeships (West Pomeranian, Lubusz, Lower Silesia and Opole) are signatories of CETC ROUTE 65. The tourist accommodation and its occupancy are examined, as well as tourist traffic in these four provinces. The analysis of tourism in the West Pomeranian region is the result of research, done under the development project titled ‘Research on and modelling of mode-integrated transport system in the West Pomeranian region with a focus on the Central European Transport Corridor North – South CETC ROUTE 65’, financed by the National Research and Development Centre in the years 2009–2011 and research project “Port logistic centres as stimulants of the development of ports, port towns and seaside regions. Research, modeling, concept of location, operations and management”, financed by the National Science Centre in the years 2011–2012. The research was co-ordinated by Czesława Christowa at the Maritime University of Szczecin.
  • Montwiłł, Andrzej (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2014)
    The article presents a selection of topics concerning inland freight transport. It is part of the European transport system that holds different places in the transport system of every country. At the same time it is an element of their water management system. Therefore, the development of inland shipping is influenced by two key factors. The first one is the adjusted natural water system, which as a linear system, enables freight transport. The second factor is water management policy, which takes into account inland shipping in the water resources management. In many European countries, especially in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Rumania, barge freight transport is a part of these two systems. Inland shipping in the European overland transport engages in approximately 6.5% of the transport activity by carrying dry, liquid, general and containerized bulk cargo. It is of significant importance to the international cargo transport in many European countries – adjusting techniques and organization of transport to constantly changing requirements of the shippers, which results from the shift in the industry structure in Europe. It is no longer associated with transport of coal and iron are only, although they still make the primary freight in inland shipping. The ro-ro barges carry containerized and palletized cargo and are components of the multimodal transport chains.
  • Sormunen, Otto-Ville Edvard; Hänninen, Maria; Häkkinen, Jani; Posti, Antti (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    Groundings and ship collisions are the two most frequent accident types in the Gulf of Finland, which in the past decades has seen an increase in tanker traffic. This has mainly been oil transport from Russia. Both accident types pose a major hazard to the marine ecosystem, as spills of catastrophic magnitude can occur as a consequence. In order to better plan for the response to and/or prevention of accidents, the frequency and size of spills should be known. This paper estimates the expected number of tanker groundings of different tanker types for the busiest tanker ports in the Finnish part of the Gulf of Finland. Furthermore, in this paper statistics of the sizes of chemical, gas and oil tankers visiting Finnish ports is presented. Finally, the expected number and size of spills is estimated based on the expected number of groundings and the tanker sizes using a spill model based on tanker deadweight (DWT).
  • Skorupski, Jacek (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    In the paper some problems of quantitive description of traffic safety in various branches of transport are presented. Basic definitions and a concept of traffic safety in transport is given. Some methods of dimensioning traffic safety are proposed, especially geometrical methods that are useful in short-term traffic control.
  • Białas-Motyl, Anna (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    Inland waterway goods transport has got, in some European countries, quite an important share in the total goods transport. The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France are regarded as the main important countries, taking into consideration both the volume of the cargo transported and tonne-km performed. The tendency since the begin-ning of the 90-ies has been positive. There are strong fluctuations in such countries as Poland, Austria or Luxembourg. The volume of good transported by inland waterway transport as well as the tonne-km performed in selected European countries has been presented in the article. The countries are obliged to deliver the data on inland water-way transport to the Eurostat.
  • Leśmian-Kordas, Ruta (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    The chief aim of the report is to bring closer the subject of dangerous goods in the aspect of their transport by vessels of inland navigation. There have been presented: the main features of latest regulations concerning transport of these goods by vessels of inland navigation - ADN; the degree of harmonisation with respective regulations in other transport branches; also the possibilities of applying ADN for transport of dangerous goods packaged and in solid and liquid state in bulk.
  • Jastrzębski, Tadeusz; Sułek, Joanna; Tołkacz, Lech; Żurawski, Tomasz (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    The development of sustainable transportation means and systems is one of the European policies. Different criteria are taken into consideration to find an optimum solution when urban transport is investigated - in both traditional and innovative technical solutions. In the paper an alternative proposal to inland systems is proposed and the concept of design solutions is presented as well. The proposal is addressed partly to the local waterways in Szczecin and Western Pomerania region and is based on a sustainable passenger traffic analysis. It may also be interesting for application in the conditions of other cities and regions - Wroclaw, Dresden and Praha.
  • Lewandowski, Piotr (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    New regulations enforced by the European Commission have greatly extended the possibilities to levy charges. The regulations include not only the TEN-T network, but also all motorways in Europe. The directive has given Member States the opportunity to charge heavy goods vehicles in a way to balance not only the costs of infrastructure but also those connected to noise and pollution caused by road traffic. The new provisions have enabled Member States to increase the charge during peak periods and to lower it in the off-peak hours in order to reduce traffic more effectively. The binding norms provide that the revenue from the charges should be destined to enhancing the stability of the transport section. The new rules provide a strong incentive to set aside new revenues from charging to finance certain types of transport projects. Poland has adapted very well to this new situation. The ever-increasing network of toll roads gives new opportunities for the development of transport. The increasing number of national and foreign hauliers guarantees constant investment in the development of road infrastructure and therefore a good use of the country’s geographical location.
  • Grabian, Janusz; Ślączka, Wojciech; Pawłowska, Patrycja; Kostrzewa, Waldemar (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    This work indicates that new and innovative materials used in the construction of floating and stationary marine structures can contribute to increased operational safety in addition to reduced service costs and frequency and other reduced operating costs, including the costs of staff and running maintenance. Such materials include metal-ceramic composites whose properties, such as high resistance to abrasive wear, favourable coefficient of friction, good thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion, allow them to be used in tribological pairs in mechanisms, control elements and actuators of various devices operating in marine power plants, thereby increasing their operational reliability. Properties of metal-ceramic composite foams, i.e. vibration and noise damping, good thermal insulation performance, dissipation of electromagnetic waves and absorption of explosive energy, make them ideal for use in shipbuilding and construction of drilling towers, at the same time increasing the levels of comfort during operation. Composite metal-ceramic foams can significantly reduce the effects of fires as they are durable, water-resistant and creep resistant thermal insulators which can limit the destruction (deformation) of steel structures. This paper presents proposals for the application of these materials to selected technical solutions in offshore structures.
  • Dziechciarz, Mateusz (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    Entrepreneurs in the transport and forwarding services field are looking for new areas of activity to ensure a competitive advantage over their competitors. Currently, with relatively balanced price levels and service quality, the acquisition and retention of clients can ensure success in the market and marketing activities. The approach to marketing activities has changed over the years. Currently, marketing 2.0 is used, which is focused on the customer, their needs, and preferences. Marketing 3.0 is also used, which introduces a broader customer perspective. The area of activity, which is part of the new marketing 3.0 concept, is social media, currently used by over one billion people globally. Such a large group means a regular flow of information which is highly important for businesses. Research has shown that companies use social media primarily for promotion, to recruit new employees, and contact contractors. Internet tools are the most widely used distribution channel of services in the industry. Over half of the surveyed enterprises indicated that they planned to increase social media in their company’s marketing activities. A positive trend may indicate that transport and forwarding companies may plan to increase their future use of this channel for marketing activities.

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