Pietrzykowski, Zbigniew
(Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie,
A rapid development of information technologies opens increasingly wider opportunities for enhanced performance of all modes of transport, including carriage by sea. Such chances are offered by new and existing intelligent transport systems. The idea of creating a maritime intelligent transport system is convergent with the conception of e-navigation developed in recent years on the IMO forum. Navigational information systems, one component of the maritime intelligent transport system, support the process of ship conduct. We should expect that developments of these systems will be going towards decision support systems – intelligent navigational advisory systems. Apart from information functions, the tasks of these systems include hazard identification in ship movement (e.g. collision situations), warning against hazards and automatic generation of solutions (recommended manoeuvres). This article characterizes tasks of the maritime intelligent transport system and the place and functions of navigational decision support systems