Korbiel, Tomasz; Czerwińska-Lubszczyk, Agnieszka; Brodny, Jarosław; Czerwiński, Stefan
(Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie,
This article presents an economic analysis of the exploitation of the main mine drainage according to the condition
of machines. The study is based on actual operating data obtained during the operation of an underground
hard coal mine. Through the selection of state estimators, appropriate sensory systems, as well as a long-term
economic approach, operating procedures were developed that allowed for the introduction of significant financial
savings. Operating costs are reduced by lowering energy consumption and reducing the costs of current
repairs and spare parts. In addition to the classic approach to monitoring the state of a machine, based on the
observation of residual processes, a global coefficient, referred to as unit energy consumption, has been proposed.
Thanks to this, the operation of the machine occurs not only on the basis of its current dynamic state, but
also due to the control processes of the machine’s operation. Moreover, the article refers to the area related to
water safety and the reliability of the pumping station.