Jeleniewicz, Katarzyna; Rutkowska, Gabriela; Żółtowski, Mariusz; Kula, Dorota
(Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie,
Caring for the environment, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, as well as the increase in the standard of living of society, introduces the need to conduct proper waste management. Construction is an industry with great potential for the management of glass waste as part of material recycling. The
construction sector is characterized by high material consumption, with a limited amount of natural resources,
meaning that research is constantly being performed on the possibility of replacing them with other common
ingredients. A feature of the building materials industry is also the pursuit of continuous improvement of the
properties of manufactured materials.
The paper presents the research results on the impact of the partial replacement of Portland cement and aggregate with glass waste on strength parameters and frost resistance. For the purpose of experimental work, a concrete mix based on the C20/25 standard concrete with CEM I 42.5R Portland cement, in which from 0 to 20%
of the cement or aggregate weight is replaced with glass waste (i.e., glass flour and glass cullet), is designed.
In the test range, the glass flour slightly affected the deterioration of the compressive strength, while the glass
cullet had no effect on the compressive strength after 56 days of maturation. Moreover, the addition of glass
flour increases the bending strength, while the addition of glass cullet maintains a comparable bending strength
compared to the reference concrete. The obtained concretes are frost-resistant concrete F150.