Sanecki, Józef; Klewski, Andrzej; Zygmunt, Marek; Stępień, Grzegorz; Hałaburda, Roman; Borczyk, Kamil
(Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie,
This article presents the problem of surveying landslide prone areas. Discussed are the possibility of using
photogrammetry methods for digital imaging, creating Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and Digital Elevation
Models (DEM) of slope surface and combining these with the ground’s angle of internal friction, cohesion and
hydrogeological data. Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) with inclined high precision cameras show different
slope angles than UASs with vertical cameras. Expressly, we can see places within the landslide area where the
angle of internal friction and cohesion are low. These places are the most likely to suffer further mass movements
causing fissures and ground displacements. In the observed landslide area we separated the steep parts of
the slope, with low cohesion values, and the slight parts of the slope, with low values of angle of internal friction.
In these different areas, landslides can evolve in different ways and at different speeds. The Factor of Safety
(FS) was calculated for different types of area which allowed the probability of new mass movements to be
checked for different areas. This method can be useful for C-B and X-Band PSI Interferometry Data. Because
of the damage potentially incurred by landslides, there is a need to better understand these natural phenomena,
especially their methods and speed of development and how they can be prevented from forming in the future.