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Browsing by Author Banachowicz, Andrzej:

  • Banachowicz, Andrzej; Wolski, Adam (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2012)
    Terrestrial navigation is one of the method of parametric navigation, i.e. a method of fix determination. Recently the method has become quite common again thanks to automated measurements of navigational parameters (radar navigation, radio direction finders and others) and connection with the ECDIS. The accuracy of position coordinates determined by such method is affected by navigational measurement errors and the accuracy of navigational mark coordinates used for position determination. The coordinates values are obtained from nautical publications (including charted data) or from an electronic chart data base. This article presents an original method for an analysis of how the accuracy of navigational mark coordinates affects the accuracy of ship’s fix. Considerations are supplemented with an example of the most common terrestrial position determination in marine navigation
  • Banachowicz, Andrzej; Wolski, Adam (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2012)
    In the general case measurements performed in navigation are those of position coordinates − points on the trajectory, and trajectory derivatives − speed vector and acceleration vector. Due to the occurrence of systematic and random errors, there is no full conformity of results obtained from measurements by various navigational instruments and systems in the mathematical model of the process of navigation, as well as in specific measurement models. This study attempts to compare trajectories, speeds and accelerations determined by different measurement tools (navigational equipment and systems). The results may be used in an analysis of measurement reliability and of the correct performance of navigational systems and equipment. A comparison of various sources of information also allows to detect and identify systematic errors, so that, consequently, mathematical models of specific phenomena and processes can be verifie
  • Banachowicz, Andrzej; Wolski, Adam (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2014)
    There are two aspects of position coordinates accuracy in navigation: global accuracy and local accuracy – relative to navigational dangers. The latter case refers to the assessment of position (distance) accuracy in respect to the nearest navigational danger, a hazard to navigation. The directional error is a relevant measure for such assessment. The directional error curve is analyzed in this article as a particular case of the Booth elliptical lemniscate. The curve graph illustrates the confidence interval of point position errors in a given direction (about 68%).
  • Banachowicz, Andrzej (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    Podano aksjomatykę rachunku operatorów Bittnera oraz przykład wykorzystania tej teorii w analizie układów dynamicznych. Algebraizacja metod analizy matematycznej ma już swoją historię, Wywodzi się ona z przekształceń całkowych Laplace'a i Fourier 'a. Innym podejściem jest teoria operatorów Mikusińskiego, którą rozwinął i uogólnił profesor Ryszard Bittner.
  • Banachowicz, Andrzej (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    In numerous theoretical considerations, as well as in navigational practical applications, there frequently occurs the necessity to evaluate the accuracy of linear objects on the basis of the accuracy of their particular points. A situation like that may occur, among other things, when the accuracy of the isobath, the quay edge or of the fairway are being evaluated. The directional error consti-tutes the proper measure for such evaluation. In the article presented formulae have been derived for the changę in decomposition parameters due to the rota-tion of coordinates as well as generał relationships of the directional error
  • Banachowicz, Andrzej (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    Generally speaking, measurements of position coordinates are performed in navigation - points on the trajectory and trajectory derivatives - the velocity veclor and the acceleration vector Because of the occurrence of systematic and random errors there is no complete agreement between results of measurements performed by means of vanous devices and navigational systems both in the mathematical model of the navigational process and in the particular measure-ment models The work presented undertakes to compare trajectories. speeds and accelerations determined by various measuring instruments (navigational appliances and systems) The results can be used in a reliability analysis of the measurements and the working of navigational appliances and systems Com-paring various Information sources makes it possible to detect and identify systematic errors, which can result in verifying the mathematical models of particular phenomena and processes.
  • Banachowicz, Andrzej (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    Problematyka obliczania elementów ortodromy jest dość złożona. Tradycyjnie w praktyce nawigacyjnej ortodromę traktuje się jako najkrótszą linię na sferze i odpowiednie obliczenia przeprowadza się z wykorzystaniem trygonometrii sferycznej. Jednakże w wielu zagadnieniach, w tym w algorytmach obliczania Współrzędnych w zautomatyzowanych systemach naw igacyjnych nie można korzystać z tak uproszczonych modeli. Tutaj przedstawiono jedną z metod obliczania elementów ortodromy, mającą praktyczne zastosowanie w algorytmach zautomatyzowanych systemów nawigacyjnych.
  • Banachowicz, Andrzej (Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, )
    Analizowano jedno z wielu zagadnień błędów systematycznych w określaniu pozycji na morzu. Wyprowadzono wzór na krzywą błędnych pozycji z namiaru i odległości, gdy namierzany znak jest błędnie zidentyfikowany. Przebieg tej krzywej można badać metodami analitycznymi lub numerycznymi.

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