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Browsing by Author Bartela, Łukasz:

  • Kotowicz, Janusz; Bartela, Łukasz; Michalski, Sebastian (Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2012)
    In the paper the evaluation of applied solutions, as well as the operational parameters in context of achieved efficiency of steam cycle of a supercritical power plant was carried out. The analysis for the referred structure of a power plant was made. The thermodynamic computational model was created in GateCycle software. In the calculations, the basic assumption was the maintenance of constant gross power of power plant. For this purpose, in the model the flow of live steam entering steam cycle was changed. In the first step the assumptions for three cases of unit were determined. First of all, the variants differ from each other with live and reheated steam parameters. The parameters for the two examined cases can be regarded as possible to be currently achieved in a modern supercritical power plants, while the third case represents a perspective variant. Based on relevant data implemented into the computational model, the relevant results for quantities characterizing the operation of examined units were generated. Among others, in the analysis the values of following quantities were determined: steam cycle efficiency, gross overall efficiency and specific consumption of heat. In the paper the assumptions, as well as the results are shown in the form of tables. The conclusions from comparison of results for individual solutions are also formulate

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