Guze, Sambor; Smolarek, Leszek; Weintrit, Adam
(Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademia Morska w Szczecinie,
In this paper, two indexes for own ship risk collision assessment in the restricted water are proposed. The first
one concerns the collision threats for ships. The second one describes threats that are generated by human error.
It is carried out dynamically with accordance to changes in time. To realize the main aim of the paper, the definition
of the extended domain of the ship is introduced. Furthermore, the rules to determine the indexes and
range of their values are developed. Finally, a comprehensive model and its potential application are presented.
There are some important things to take into account during the model development: the interface, the levels
and type of the output information, the type and accuracy of the information about the position and movement
dynamics of the particular ships. It gives the opportunity to consider the different operation levels. In addition,
it also allows us to take into account the different levels of measurement and the collision risk warnings. This
approach can be helpful for both the VTS operator and OOW, the ship’s navigator, as the tool to support the safe
navigation in restricted water.